Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Projects- Take 2

Once I had my Easter grass growing I decided to try Silk Dyed Easter Eggs. I am not sure why this seemed like a good idea! I know why, I saw these beautiful eggs on Pinterest and thought I can do this. This project seemed easy enough. I went to the thrift store and bough 6 silk ties and got an old pillow case to cover the eggs.

After I had all of my ties I thought I would hate to have to throw out my beautiful eggs after a week. So I decided to blow out the eggs before decorating. ( I found direction for this online) I will not give any advice on this topic because it was a disaster. I got 7 eggs out of my 12, and it took hours. My best advice is have someone else do this step for you!

The next step was easy or so I thought. I just needed to wrap my eggs with the silk tie ( you do have to take the liner out of the tie) and secure the silk with twisty ties. Then I wrapped each egg with a piece of white fabric. The most important part of this is wrapping the silk as tightly as possible. That will give you a better transfer of the pattern onto your egg.

Finally, you put the eggs in a pot of water with 1/4 cup of vinegar and boil them for 20 minutes. If you choose to blow out your eggs first you will need a metal colander to keep the eggs in the water. Once they are done boiling let them cool and unwrap your masterpiece.

Above you can see  each of the ties and how the egg turned out. I think I should have tied the silk tighter around each egg but I was fearful of breaking my delicate eggs.

Silk Dyed Eggs

Above our my beautiful eggs in a basket of Easter grass that I grew myself.

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